The fasciae is the only organ in the body that is able
to separate everything and at the same time unite everything
With this beginning I want to tell you, that my work focuses on understanding how this organ works in your body; how the fascia modifies your body and also how your body modifies the fascia. From head to toe.
My work is exciting. I am fortunate to be able to say that I have been involved in the health area since I was a child. I have worked in various fields: from a hospital, through ambulances to the emergency coordination centre Madrid 112.
In Madrid I already became interested in this type of therapy and shortly after my arrival in Switzerland I started to study everything related to physical therapy.
My field of work is very broad: I work with all kinds of diseases affecting the locomotor system, although I specialise in fasciae. With them I can provide solutions for a wide variety of back pain, headaches, joint pain, postural problems and organic problems.
I am a sportsman and as such I help my colleagues with their physical problems and/or performance.
Since 2020 I am proud to hold the title of medical masseur with federal diploma (Dipl. Medizinischer Masseur EFA).
November 2023. Treatment of the central line. Fascial stretching.
September 2023. diaphragms in sport. Neuroathletics.
September 2023. GOT, Champmann.
June 2023. ISG sacrum and lumbar spine pariatal osteopathy.
May 2023. introduction sport osteopathy
May 2023. visceral therapy the liver in sport.
December 2023. pelvis and the relation to the lower extremities.
September 2022. Faszienforschungupdate und klinische Anwendung für die Arbeit mit Narben, Adhäsionen und Gewebesteifigkeit.Dr. biol. hum. Dipl. Psych. Robert Schleip.
Juli 2022. Fascial manipulation ® Niveau 2 according to Luigi Stecco.
April 2022. Fascial manipulation ® Niveau 1 according to Luigi Stecco.
Oktober 2021. Faszien Distorsions-Modell nach Dr. Typaldos. Bei Marco Conglia.
Juni 2021. Neurobiologie und Behandlung von chronifizierten Rückenschmerzen bei Bernhard Reichert.
Mai 2021. Faszien als Sinnerorgan. Dr. biol. hum. Dipl. Psych. Robert Schleip.
März 2021. Stosswellen-Therapie bei Physiozentrum.
Oktober 2020. Eidgenössische Fachprüfung bei der OdA MM. Sursee (LZ).
Juli 2020. Abschluss dipl. medizinischer Masseur in der Swiss Prävensana Akademie.
- Klassische Massage.
- Fussreflexzonen.
- Hydro- Thermotherapie.
- Elektrotherapie.
- Bindegewebsmassage
- Lymphdrainage (Komplexe physikalische Entstauungstherapie)
Oktober 2018. Sportlerbetreuung – Sportmassage und klassische Taping in der Bodyfeet Schule.
Mai 2018. Triggerpunkt- Therapie und Passive Dehnungen. Obere Körperhälfte in der Bodyfeet Schule
Januar 2018. Tapekurs.
Juli 2017. Massage für schwangere Frauen in der I.R.I.S Schule.
Juni 2016. Sportmassage in der Klubschule Migros Winterthur.
Mai 2016. Anti-Cellulite Massage in der Klubschule Migros Winterthur.
April 2016. Hot-Stone Massage in der Klubschule Migros Winterthur.
April 2016. Fussreflexzonen Massage in der Klubschule Migros Winterthur.
März 2016. Gesundheitsmasseur in der Massage-Fachschule Zürich.
Mai 2003. Berufsmasseur in der Schule Esquisur (Madrid, Spanien).